Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Why I have been doing laundry every day...

Here's a summary of some of the reasons I have a 2nd load of was going today:
5:35- Kaitlyn spit up on my 2nd shirt of the day (she was in her fourth)
6:25- Kaitlyn used her changing pad as a diaper while getting ready for bed- with a big smile on her face
6:45- Paul spilled his vitamin on the place mat (as well as watermelon juice)
7:15- Paul, who decreed to us over the weekend that he did not want to wear diapers anymore, was sitting on the potty and let loose- spraying my shirt, pants, the floor, trash can, his shorts and socks... yes, some did even make it in the potty (he had a look of both confusion and excitement on his face)

And the reason why I'll keep Oxi Clean in business: on little Paul's monitor I could hear him lying in bed practicing "counting" - "1-2-3-5-7-8-11-13" as he was falling asleep.... just adorable.


Uncle Ryan said...

This gave me a good laugh tonight! First day i didn't come over in while and instead took a well needed nap. I am excited Paul is saying Ryan but still like Ry Ry. Mrs. & Mr. Bennett, that hill was a challenge must managed to cut your lawn the other day using the riding mower which was pretty fun.

Gram said...

as long as Paul III is working on his numbers we can allow his other mishaps.
Ryan, I like Ry Ry too!
Thanks for the lawn care, and we were told we were getting a flat lot...don't think so.
I will be home soon, so I can probably push mower the next cut.
I'M NOT ready for the lawn tractor generation, yet.