Monday, June 8, 2009

Weekend in Review

Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend- we got to relax, have fun and enjoyed some family time. Kaitlyn also spent some time this morning at daycare (some of it with me) as she adjusts to wonderful teachers and a busy envrionment. I head back to work next Monday, so we're all "practicing" getting out of the house each morning and Kaitlyn will be spending more time at daycare each day to get adjusted (and so that we can as well!).
On Saturday, Kaitlyn decided to wake up very early (before 5:30am!) so she was almost ready to get back in bed when little Paul woke up- so she joined him for a bit.
Little Paul and I made some rice krispie treats (after a haircut for him!) which Kaitlyn and I brought to a picnic at my colleague's house Saturday afternoon. As you can see, Paul was amazed with how the krispies would stick anywhere once the marshmallow goo was on them.
I also tried to get some new family pictures- a nice one of daddy and Kaitlyn.And then Paul joined in and gave Kaitlyn a big hug- don't worry, it looks much worse than it was. This was a very gentle hug... albeit near her face! He seems excited that his sister is going to be down the hall from him in the "baby room" at daycare and helped to drop her off this morning with us.
And since it was finally not raining, we got out little Paul's pool... which is now WAAAAYYY to small for him, but he didn't seem to care. Plus, he seemed very excited to turn on and off the hose by himself.... which we tried to limit as to not use all of the water in our well!


Sasha said...

so you're probably not too excited about coming back, but I am - I've missed you!!!

Leigh Anne said...

it will be bittersweet to come back to work- I've been having a great time with Kaitlyn the past few weeks knowing my time home with her is almost over :) Weekends will quickly resume their wonderful appeal!