Monday, June 1, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up

Here's the latest from the Redferns- allergies are officially awful. After doctor's visits today by Paul Jr., Kaitlyn and myself, the two adults in our family are now getting treated for allergies to "tree pollen" this year- the culprit behind our sore throats, raspy voices and abundent phlegm. Kaitlyn checked out okay and seems to have fared the best of all of us the last two weeks!
We did manage to have a few good times over the weekend- little Paul's friend Elizabeth Smith came over (plus we got to hang out with her mom and dad!):

We ended the weekend with some watermelon...mmmm....

Paul spent most of the weekend in his new sand and water table- somehow no pictures were taken of him, though. The water side quickly became a sandy swamp. And we also had some visits from Uncle Ryan. This of course meant more trouble for Ryan as he was Paul's required playmate- making forts in the playroom and "pancakes" on the pillows. Here is Paul tucking Uncle Ryan into bed near their fort:

Big news- little Paul actually said "Ryan" tonight- rather than "ry ry". First time for the full four letters to be individually pronounced!


Anonymous said...

Okay, Paul Wayne....How about saying GRANDMOM next or will I still be "dermom"? either way I will answer with love and hugs and kisses, and time to play in sand....either at your house or ours

Leigh Anne said...

he did wonder if there was still sand at "dermom's" ;)

Anonymous said...

of course there is always sand at dermoms and wait until he gets up to BB's sand pile at the lake....yeah fun days ahead