Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mr. Friendly

I thought our readers might enjoy this simple story of our silly son... we are learning that Paul likes to say "hi" to everyone he walks by, including waving at cars that may drive by our house when we're outside or when we're out in town. He will wave at everyone and anyone, and hopes for some type of reciprocated hello.

Background- the coordinator of the Growing Place, Miss Sherry, has her office is on the right immediately as you walk in. Every morning Paul walks right into Miss Sherry's office (even if other adults are there possibly having important conversations) to wave hello and will not leave until he gets one back. The lure of breakfast in his own room often gets him to keep going. Today as we were getting ready to leave daycare, he walked into Miss Sherry's office to say goodbye but she wasn't there- so he made his "all done/all gone" sign- and seemed ready to check out every corner of her office until he found her. Fortunately she came around the corner after we told Paul he would get to see Miss Sherry tomorrow- so he did get to give his goodbye wave. I'm sure this scene will repeat itself many times in the coming months!

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