Thursday, February 25, 2010

Drawing together, being silly and ear update

I took this fun picture last weekend of both kids working on their own drawings. Kaitlyn seems to really like to use crayons (and keeps them out of her mouth most of the time!) so I strapped our extra booster seat to Paul's table in our playroom- it was perfect! You can tell in the last picture that Kaitlyn, thanks to at least one bottom tooth, a possible top tooth and probably a molar (or two?) is a bit under the "teething" spell.

Tonight Paul had quite a fun time running around the house after he donned these "silly glasses" which happened to be lying around (they're from halloween- possibly last year!.
And to wrap up little Paul's ear surgery, everything went well with his procedure on February 12th. He has tubes in both ears, his adenoid was removed- again (apparently it can grow back), the doctor cleaned out a lot of gunk from his ears/nose, and he tested positive for some allergies (including dust, so we've vacuumed his room quite a bit and have gotten him special bed covers, etc.) which we'll find out more about next week at his follow up. He recovered "quickly" but was tired for a few days.
He thought the whole experience was pretty cool- he got to drive in the car before the sun came up (we were at the hospital by 6:20am), stay in his PJ's until surgery time, eat as many popsicles, graham crackers and juice as he wanted after surgery (we knew he was feeling better when the "why" questions returned about 10 minutes after we were reunited) and is still asking why his ENT doctor (who he knows by name since we see him so often) didn't have a tie on that day.

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