Sunday, February 7, 2010

Did you know it snowed?

If you haven't turned on a TV in the past week, you may not have known that a huge snowstorm hit us friday night into Saturday afternoon. We woke up on Saturday morning to about 18-24 inches of snow, depending where you measured. Needless to say, much of our weekend was spent playing outside (and watching Paul with the snowblower and thinking over and over that it was one of our best purchases ever!).
The beginning of our snowman, made Friday night when we got home from work (although we had to dig him out on Saturday!):
Kaitlyn's first outing (note that Paul III is in the background shoveling... which is what he did almost all weekend!):
Paul III had just a few inches on the snowfall, but not much:
Having a snack while helping daddy clear off the back porch- we need to be able to grill, right?:
Kaitlyn getting "into" the snow:
And recovering:
Playing with mom- yes, Paul III is still shoveling in the background:


Kelly said...

I like Kaitlyn's nose first entrance into the snow! Can you believe all of this white? It is beautiful, but seemingly never-ending!

Gram said...

Is Mr. Paul III available for hire with his power shovel? We might need him again. Good training, BB would be very proud of him. Sure looks like you all have fun in the white stuff.