Monday, May 26, 2008

A truck, a chair and proud grandparents

After a great weekend visiting daddy's family, we are home safe and sound (although not sure how awake we will be at work tomorrow!). It seemed as if Paul grew up over the weekend as he added new words to his repetoire (including proudly naming Grandma R "Nanna" and Grandpa R "PopPop" since he can say both of those words!) and has begun to develop a great personality- including wanting to sit in 'his chair' on the back porch with daddy and PopPop when they were having their morning juice (coffee)- so Paul would drag his chair to the back door to join them with his OJ.

Paul was chased around the house by his uncles, helped to plant impatients in the front yard (we joked that PopPop was "patient" with his "impatient" helper), went to the park, played with homemade playdough from Nanny for the first time (including some red boxing mits made by PopPop) and was tickled by his Uncles.

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