Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hello summer!

Somehow it is already June... but we're still here! Paul has recovered well from his back surgery at the end of March and is walking and exercising as best he can (after about 5-6 weeks off work to recover). 

Little Paul has 'graduation' from Preschool later this week (aahhh!) and has finished a fantastic spring at TBall. Kaitlyn continues to be full of energy and was a great fan at tball games (and practices) this spring. They have also both been very creative, including making a train one night- with a kitchen, chef and conductor.

 Kaitlyn had a friend over to play this weekend and Paul decided to be a firefighter- and hunt them down. The Giants helmet was the closest thing he could find (after a bit of frustration) to a firefighter mask.
 I found them! They're hiding in the corner! (cue the screams and squeals in the background)

 And of course it's watermelon season!
Welcome to little Paul's Tball league- here was a hit! 

 Waiting to catch the ball while playing first base. 
It was really fun to have some special guests in early June as Uncle Chris and Uncle Ryan were in town for a golf tournament (daddy Paul rode in the cart....)

 Paul also had t-ball super fans as Aunt Char and Charles were able to make it to many of the games. 
 We also had a beautiful double rainbow the other day after dinner- it was magnificent. 
The Giants helmet returns for another surprise outfit...this is a catcher's outfit (at 7am!). He used his backpack as the chest protector.... later his soccer shinpads came out as part of the ensemble, just like the guys who play for the Mets wear for their knees/shins. 

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