Sunday, January 22, 2012

Christmas 2011- a bit late

Yes, Christmas was nearly a month ago.... but somehow the time has flown by and I thought it would be better to post some fun memories and pictures later than not do so! We had a wonderful and magical holiday season and were so lucky to have spent it with our families and two little 'elves'.
First, of course, we had to get our tree. We have to travel less than a mile to a huge tree farm. This year they even had a hayride (with Santa, although the kids were a bit cautious) to see the "reindeer." Yes, they were in another field!
Getting ready to decorate the tree- antlers were required, of course!We headed to a Breakfast with Santa event one Saturday morning with some friends- Kaitlyn got to hang out with her buddy Audrey (and we braved a 30+ minute wait in line...whew....)
Yes, mommy had to be in the picture- but at least they're both smiling.

Then it was time to make some Christmas cookies. The cookie press was alot of fun, and both kids had a great time helping (and someone enjoyed the bowl too..). Paul III also got his glasses in mid-December so you'll see him sporting his new 'look'- which has been really helpful for him.
Do you think Kaitlyn used enough sprinkles?
Our first Christmas celebration began Christmas Eve at Gram and BB's.
This really was a gift for BB... but the kids wanted to use it too!
LEGO's!!! The gift of the season for Paul III.
 And Kaitlyn got some dress up outfits (this one is for Cinderella). The only way we got her to take it off for dinner was out of fear of spilling her favorite cranberry sauce on it!
 I got SHOES too!! oh my!!

 After a good night's sleep (Paul III informed us that we needed to go to bed early so that Santa could start his journey, and was actually a bit scared of how Santa may come into our house overnight).
But, there was tons of fun to be had once they woke up!
Paul III somehow knew to open one of his favorites first- a full Giants outfit... helmet, pants, jersey with pads... wow, Santa is smart!

 Kaitlyn seems to want to wear any gift- back in her Cinderella dress from the night before! This is a set of PJ's which matches a doll, but the doll wasn't allowed to wear the PJ's for long!
See, I'm even wearing mommy's new coat and my new sneakers while testing out a new stroller from my brother.
And a football goal post to go with my Eli Manning outfit!!! WOW!!
 Time to go outside and test everything out (be sure to check out that Kate is still in Santa PJ's).

 That night we hosted Gram, BB, Aunt Char and Uncle Charles for Christmas dinner. Kaitlyn opened an umbrella and had to test it out.

 BB, can I take off your tie?
 Merry Christmas everyone!
 Wait, a family picture that actually looks good?! The best Christmas present :)
 Then the silliness began.... Paul III kept trying to hold me up (how kind, but it tickled!).

 Lego-land.... check out the bins against the wall... we had to reorganize them later in the week.
 Then we headed to NJ for a few days and got to enjoy another holiday celebration. Paul and Paul III had talked about a Lego castle that he used to have with Uncle Chris, so they dug out the brothers' Lego collection and spent HOURS making creations!
 Kaitlyn and Grandma T spent a leisurely (and adorable) breakfast together on New Year's Day. Kaitlyn ate 3 bowls of Cheerios and they chatted up a storm for about 20 minutes.
 Presents, presents and tons of fun! We spent a good part of new year's day opening gifts with Nana, PopPop, Uncle Chris, Aunt Megan, Uncle Ryan and Lauren.
First the kids opened new fuzzy robes and slippers...mmm... cozy!
And sleeping bags to get even cozier (naps that day were taken with the new cozy sleeping bags, of course.
 Paul LOVED a woodworking set with foam "wood" that you can cut, drill, nail, etc. We put the corresponding bench together too and he's made some neat creations.

 Why not use my new saw to open gifts?
 And some fun mustaches from Uncle Ry!
 Kaitlyn opened a whole box of fun doll clothes, thanks to Uncle Ry and Lauren (no, the hat won't fit you!).
And then it was time to cook with Kaitlyn's new cooking appliances.
 Another great family picture! Unfortunately for Uncle Ry, the Cowboys jersey didn't have a good night... ;)
Watching some of the Giants vs. Cowboys game before bed.

Merry Christmas 2011!


Anonymous said...

Loved seeing all these new pictures -- it looks like your holiday season was wonderful. Who can resist Legos and dress-ups?! Happy 2012 to all the Redferns.

Love, Kelly

Anonymous said...

Looks like Santa was good to all.Eric va