Sunday, October 9, 2011

Apple Harvest Outing

his morning we spent a few hours at the 47th Annual Apple Harvest Festival in Arendtsville, PA- just a few minutes from home. We had a fun time and the weather was beautiful.
Some of the highlights for the kids included:

-We rode in a school bus (WOW!!) from a fire station to the festival.
-They got to meet a real fireman who was there to help people, and explain his outfit. The kids also got fire hats.

-There was a petting zoo with a sheep.... Paul petted the sheep and Kaitlyn kept dragging us back to see him (but wouldn't pet him) and talked about him while reading Old MacDonald at nap.
-There was a place where you could pick apples that were floating...and eat them!

-We went for a hayride- which included riding behind a tractor (which was older than BB- 1939)
-Mommy got funnel cake :)

Kaitlyn loved that there was hand sanitizer all around- and she could reach it... I think there were a few extra potty trips (we still don't know why she likes it so much).

After getting some fresh apple cider we headed back on the bus to our car (and enjoyed a wonderful nap time for everyone).


Nana said...

WOW ! that was a really BIG apple !!! looks like you all had lots of fun - eating, riding, petting, watching, and learning !!

Have a wonderful week and keep eating those healthy apples !

Miss you and love you all!
Lots of apple kisses and hugs!

uncle ry said...

I agree nana that is a really big apple.