Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pre-halloween activities and silliness around the house

Last Thursday we went with Gram to the Growing Place's Fall Festival- it was lots of fun for the kids to see all of their friends from "school" in costume. Gram even won the pumpkins that both kid's classrooms decorated for a silent auction.In case you can't tall, Paul is a ghost and Kaitlyn is a cupcake this year!

Although it took a while for Paul to warm up to all the activity, he and his friend Elizabeth, who was a great Dorothy, ended up playing for a bit (after he found the masks to play with at one of the stations).
Paul checking out his "Paul" side of the pumpkin at night:
Kaitlyn checking out her side of the pumpkin:
The other day the kids somehow got a hold of their goggles and decided to wear them around the house for a while!

My favorite part of this pictures may actually be the beautiful fall trees outside our front window.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Great costumes! Your kids are the cutest, and I love the jack-o-lantern pics :)