Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chillin' on the Couch

Kaitlyn will sometimes wander over to the couch and reach "up" (with some "uhp uhp" sounds to correspond) to indicate that she wants to hang out on the couch- just like mommy and daddy do with their books or magazines (which we don't get to do very often!).

And although her big brother doesn't seem to enjoy the 'sitting still' concept very much, we enjoy every minute in which one of them insn't moving at full speed!

1 comment:

Nana said...

A good habit to begin early !!
Good on ya Kaitlyn !!

By the way, Kaitlyn picked up "Better Homes and Gardens" last week at Nana and Pop Pops house-and was flipping through it !!

Love you all, XXXXOOOO