Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy 2nd month birthday, Kaitlyn!

The post-it-note birthday signs return for Kaitlyn's 2nd month birthday (how time has flown by!).
Apparently she's celebrating her 2nd month birthday by sleeping more at night, and was even in bed before little Paul last night (which should have been a relief for me, but instead I was anxious to hear her every sound and make sure she was okay!).


gram said...

Time to celebrate Kaitlyn's and Daddy's birthday....yeah, yeah,
What an adorable big girl outfit she is wearing. Time truly is going by so fast and she is just growing up so much....need to enjoy ever minute, even when she is a sleep through the night

Nana said...

Happy birthday Daddy Paul ! It seems like only yesterday - and the wonderful memories continue to grow!

Happy 2 month birthday Baby Kaitlyn! You're getting cuter every day and we love you so much as our wonderful memories and YOU continue to grow!