Thursday, March 12, 2009

Redfern Family Fun Day- Take One

On Wednesday we kept little Paul home from daycare and had our first "Redfern Family Fun Day"- a little tradition we'll probably start doing on a random weekday every now and then so that we can "play all day long" as little Paul would say (rather than trying to fit in random chores with our weekend play).

We started the day with pancakes (little Paul's request) and spent the day playing around the house (little Paul even got to "help" mommy with the real hammer and screwdriver to hang up pink "KAR" letters in Kaitlyn's room), eating grilled cheese and tomato soup (daddy's request) and ended the day with a trip to the park- although it took us 3 parks to find one which was open! Fortunately little Paul was very patient and understood that you can't go into a park for which the gates are closed (whew!).

From the play doh adventures- daddy made the snowman and Paul just seemed to enjoy playing with a big blob of play doh.
Tummy time with Paul and Kaitlyn.Relaxing at the end of the day.


Anonymous said...

wow, so much fun to enjoy super family time together. Go for it Redferns, young and old, short and tall! Love and Hugs and Kissesxxxx0000

Kelly said...

What a great idea. It always seems like any weekend chance of a family day ends up with running errands, cleaning house, and tending to other people. I like the idea of a week day family time. Maybe I can convince Brian to follow your model!

Anonymous said...

Paul you are such a good Big Brother- helping Kaitlyn with her tummy time ! Sounds like you had tons of fun with mommy daddy and KAR ! Miss you bunches -catch this big kiss mmmmwaah ! love you all,XXXXOOOO