Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

What a halloween it's been for the Redferns. All three of us have spent the week quite sick- we must have eaten a nasty cold/throat/congestion/cough candy rather than Reese's... and clearly ate more than one.

So although Paul didn't get to do any trick-or-treating on Friday night, he got to wear his costume to the dr's office Friday afternoon. And his "treat" was a 10-day doseage of ammoxicillin for an ear infection.

Paul has rebounded quite quickly (can we all please have some of the energy which two-year olds have?). Since it took mommy more than four hours to sew Paul's costume (which says more about my lack of sewing skills!), she forced Paul to take a picture with her in his costume before heading to a halloween party in Gram and BB's neighborhood.


Kelly said...

I'm glad to hear that all the Redferns are recovering. Paul is a very busy bee and I am impressed that his Mom made the costume!

Paul said...

I really like how the picture taker who can remain nameless got the nice fall colors of the trees in the background.