Saturday, July 19, 2008

150th post

Wow- this is our 150th post on the Redfern Family Blog. Sorry we didn't get more pictures up this week, so here are a few fun ones from life with Paul this week.

It's been hot recently- why not cool down with a popsicle at the end of the day.
Paul has also recently decided that, on some nights, he wants to read his own story (which, of course, is You're My Little Lovebug which we read every night) while sitting on his PAUL bench and that he will give mommy her own story to read (to herself) in the rocking chair.
Paul's attempts at forward rolls- he can get about 95% of the way.
Paul has been trying to use his fork and spoon a bit more... some days with more success than others. This particular night he was a fork-using fanatic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, only l50 and so msny more to come. Please, keep them coming. It gives Gram Moose something to look forward to seeing until, BB and I see you all in person SO SOON. Moose Hugs and Kisses. Gram