Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Weekend Visitors, Mommy's Birthday and Wedding News!

This weekend we had a fun Sunday with Aunt Char (or "Aunt Charlotte" as Paul would say) and Uncle Charles. Kaitlyn played for quite a while with Aunt Char and Paul and Charles had some silly exchanges:
Yesterday was my birthday (#31... but I'm not counting!)- it was quite a busy day at work and at home, but we did enjoy dinner at home with our family- and birthday cake thanks to Gram! Paul (the 31-year old one!) and I enjoyed dinner out on Saturday night- after several attempts to find a 'new' and intersting place to eat, we ended up at an Applebees... Here is an attempt at a picture with both kids- note that Paul is most interested in his cake and ice cream (although I can't blame him!):
But the best news of the weekend was that Chris and Megan got engaged!!!! We are so excited for them!! Congratulations to the happy couple!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aunt char and uncle charles had a great time in g-burg your children are just beautiful they have grown up very fast glad to hear you had a nice b-day-- love to all.