Sunday, August 9, 2009

Relaxing at home

After a ten and a half hour trip on Friday home from NH (at about hour seven we were beginning to wonder if little Paul learning to talk was a good thing- he talked the ENTIRE time he was awake), we are settling back into life at home before work and daycare begins for all of us tomorrow.
Kaitlyn really enjoyed being back in her bathtub last night.
She's also been rolling around quite a bit (but hasn't mastered the belly-to-back maneuver quite yet, causing her much distress at times) which has put her into some funny positions in her crib- check out the location of her feet (grandmas, don't worry- she wasn't stuck and wiggled herself right out).
We moved some things around in living room earlier today so that Kaitlyn has more room when she starts crawling- while doing so little Paul decided to wear one of her toys as a hat while sitting in his red "PAUL" chair in the living room.
We also arrived home to a mowed yard (thanks, Uncle Ryan!) and some "big big big" sunflowers in little Paul's garden.

More vacation pictures to follow in the coming days!


Kelly said...

Sounds like the car ride may have worn everyone out . . . the pics of Kate back home are adorable! She is getting so big and her comfort level in the water is a sure sign of her future as a swimmer (maybe even a Bullet!).

Anonymous said...

Home Sweet Home with so many changes.
So pleased Paul III has moved his red chair into the living room to give more room for Baby Kate to start crawling around.
The sunflowers are spectacular!
What a cheery sight!
How are the tomato plants and herb garden doing? Is it time to have a Redfern farm stand?
Enjoy these great days of summer in Aspers. Love and Kisses and Hugs.
Gram and BB

Leigh Anne said...

the tomato plant is doing well- one of the harvested tomatoes is waiting in our kitchen window to be eaten. the herb garden isn't fairing quite as well, but hopefully will make a recovery!

Gram said...

not to worry about the herb garden
Gram gardener will be making a house call soon.