Paul and I both commented at breakfast this morning that after 7 days of sickness (and being out of work sick all week), we're both back at feeling over 80%- and somehow this feels great. We have a little longer until we're at full strength, but it was also nice to see little Paul truly happy again (he went back to daycare thurs/fri which allowed us to rest a bit more as well). We all ended up with H1N1 (which Kaitlyn's dr is pretty confident she also had even though she had two negative tests last week), and I also added a nasty case of strep throat to it.
Our week in pictures....
the family medicine area (no need for a kitchen counter on which to cook when you're not hungry):

Paul's medicine area next to his bed for night-time (apparently walking to the kitchen was way too much so he used a baggie taped to his dresser):

Our kitchen table... who knows what we forgot to do this week (my favorite item are Kaitlyn's purple socks at the far end):

A good picture- Kaitlyn headed at full speed towards a tower little Paul had built the night before and left for her in the living room.
oh Yes, that Darn Flu and then some. But just think soon you will all be at l00%! Your photos tell a very interesting story of life in the Redfern household. Time to get better soon. Hugs and Kisses. Gram
Happy Days will soon be here again !
Glad you are feeling better! You all weathered the storm very well.
Blessings,love, and Happy Thanksgiving to all the Redfern & Bennett Families and friends!
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