Although Kaitlyn was sick almost all of last week (3 dr's visits, 2 negative flu tests, 1 negative strep test, bloodwork and 4 days at home with mommy and daddy), she was the only member of our family to spend the weekend fever and yucky-feeling free.
A few things Paul and I learned this weekend as we were both sick and trying to take care of the kids (including P3 who started to feel sick Saturday night):
1- Two sick parents does not add up to one healthy, full-powered parent.
2- When your partner says "I need to lie down" it means they felt bad 15 minutes earlier but waited to say something- since they knew their counterpart had just gotten out of bed.
3- When medicine says "take every 4-6 hours," you will feel crummy again after about 3 and wonder "is it really that bad to mix cold medicine, tylenol, advil and alleve? None of them seem to be working."
4- Staying in bed to watch the 2nd hour of Sesame Street in one day is maybe not going to win you a parent of the year contest, but it allows for both parents to rest while snuggling with a sick 3-year old (as long as one parent is still relatively awake!).
5- When all you're doing is staring at the clock waiting for naptime and bedtime, time goes very slowly.
6- When your feverish son asks for hot dogs for dinner, you make them. But you know that he's still not feeling great when he doesn't even finish the first one.
7- Your medicine cabinet is stocked with every medicine for your children imaginable, but none which aren't out-of-date for adults.
But what we learned the most was that no matter how yucky you feel, a smile like this can always make you feel better (at least for a few seconds!):