We've learned that when you're starting to think that Kaitlyn's been too quiet for too long, your gut is probably right... one day I found her trying to use glue (from a fun leprechaun project- she apparently can reach much farther onto the kitchen table than I thought!) as "lotion" on her face... this weekend we had to let her fabric doll rest in the sun naked since Kaitlyn had used at least 25 of the wipes from her travel diaper bag (on the couch from a grocery store trip) to do an outstanding job of cleaning up the baby's "poopy diaper"... in case you haven't been at our house recently, most of her dolls are naked since they constantly require their diapers to be changed (which, of course, means she has to get on her 'gloves'- just like her teachers do at school for poopy diapers- and clean them up).
Here's our construction crew working on the stairs (which always seem to need to be fixed):
And on your next visit to the doctor's, I'd run the other way if you see her coming to your room....
Kaitlyn has fallen in LOVE with her big girl bed. She seems to really love snuggling under her sheets, and we all admit that it is a very cozy bed. She seems very content to hang out in bed in the morning and we often hear a random song (wheels on the bus, twinkle twinkle, etc.) in the morning rather than "Mommy and Daddy, I'm waking up!!":